Undergraduate Admission Schemes for JUPAS and Non-JUPAS
Two New Admission Schemes
Starting from 2025-26, the School of CDS will launch two new admission schemes, namely:
6779 Statistical Decision Sciences*
6999 Computing and Data Science*
in addition to the three existing admission schemes:
6224 BASc (Applied Artificial Intelligence)
6248 BASc (Financial Technology)
*Students admitted to 6999 or 6779 are free to choose (i.e., no quota limit applies) any programmes listed under the respective cluster. Students shall make a preliminary choice as an indication of their preferences; and they may freely choose the final programme by the end of their first year.

Message to Students
Message to 2025 / 26 Students: You will be the very first cohort to embark on our enriched curriculum that spans the cutting-edge fields of Computing, AI, Data Science, and Statistical Decision Sciences. Here at the School of Computing and Data Science, we pride ourselves on offering flexibility, accreditation, excellent career prospects, and a diverse selection of interdisciplinary electives. At the heart of our mission is a commitment to inspiring innovation. Welcome to the inaugural class of the School of Computing and Data Science. Your journey starts in 2025, and we can’t wait to see the incredible things you’ll achieve.
Message to 2024 / 25 and earlier Students: A school is nothing without its students. While you will continue your current curriculum which you began as part of the CS or SAAS family, the establishment of our new school opens even greater possibilities. Your adventure with HKU doesn’t have to conclude with your bachelor’s degree. Our new school is poised to offer exceptional postgraduate programmes, bolstered by a dedicated community and expanded networks. The future is in your hands, regardless of where you started. Embrace the opportunities ahead at the School of Computing and Data Science.
CDS offers a wide range of scholarships for undergraduate students
We’re committed to nurturing students of different programmes, rewarding them for their academic and non-academic excellence with more than 40 entrance scholarships which range from HK$20,000 to HK$300,000.

Admissions Requirements of Undergraduate Programmes
6999 Computing and Data Science 計算與數據科學
Programme Name | Computing and Data Science (CDS) 計算與數據科學 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Specialized Degree Programme (students can choose by the end of Year 1) | Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science [BEng(CompSc)] 工學學士(計算機科學)
Bachelor of Engineering in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science |
Entrance Requirements
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between BASc(Applied AI) and BEng(AI&Data Sc) programmes?
BASc(AppliedAI): a BASc programme emphasises on AI applications in 5 concentrations (Technology, Business and Finance, Medicine, Smart City, Neurocognitive Science)
BEng(AI&DataSc): a BEng programme provides solid professional trainings in AI and data-driven computing technologies
I am a JUPAS applicant. Do I need to put the programme in Band A choice?
Normally only Band A applicants will be considered favourably in admissions. Applicants should put our programmes in Band A to increase the chances of admissions.
Does your programme accept Flexible Admission Arrangement?
Yes. Under the new arrangement, HKDSE candidates who fail to achieve “Level 3” in either Chinese, English, or the two elective subjects will still have a chance to enter the University, if they achieve good grades in other subjects and attain a score not lower than “Level 2” in the subject they underperformed. However, the applicants’ total HKDSE score (calculated with different programmes’ scoring formula) will be deducted by 10%.
Such applicants will have to include the programme concerned as one of their Band A programme choices, pass an interview and fulfil any additional programme entrance requirements.
This flexible arrangement applies to all HKU undergraduate programmes.
Will the programmes offered in the School of Computing and Data Science accept combined certificates?
Combined HKDSE certificates are allowed for the latest two sittings, with no penalty. However, only the best results in each subject will be considered.
What are the admission scores of applicants admitted in previous years?
The admission scores can be viewed at HKU website “Admissions Scores of HKDSE Applicants Admitted in 2024”.
What is the application deadline?
Please refer to the following websites for important dates for admission:
– International/Non-JUPAS Admissions Scheme – Important Dates
Is there any entrance scholarships at CDS?
CDS offers more than 40 entrance scholarships for local and non-local students newly admitted to our programmes. Our School also offers a wide range of scholarships to students across various years of study.
How many first year places for the bachelor programmes offered in the School of Computing and Data Science?
Please check the “First Year Intake” in JUPAS website.
- 6224 BASc(AppliedAI)
- 6248 BASc(FinTech)
- 6729 BSc(ActuarSc)
- 6779 Statistical Decision Sciences
- 6999 Computing and Data Science
*The allocation of UGC-funded places is still subject to the Government’s approval, the number of intake places shown above is indicative only and subject to changes or confirmation.
If I choose a particular programme, can I take courses offered to students taking other curricula?
There will be several slots for you to take elective courses. Most courses can be taken by all students in the School. If you choose a particular programme, you can take most courses offered for students taking other curriculums. For details, you should consult the general office.
Will there be any exchange opportunity during my period of study?
We encourage students to participate in the School Exchange Programme and the HKU Worldwide Exchange (HKUWW) Programme during their course of study, so that they can widen their horizons, expand their international exposure, enrich their learning experience and learn to appreciate different cultures by studying abroad at prestigious universities. Students will normally receive announcements from the School in October every year.
Can I opt for a second major or minor in another curriculum? If yes, when can I declare my second major or minor?
Yes, you can declare your second major out of more than 70 choices of majors from across the University or a minor out of more than 90 choices. Details can be found at https://aas.hku.hk/list-of-major/. The earliest you can declare a second major is typically before the start of your second year of study. By the start of the third year, you are generally required to officially declare your majors and/or minors, if pursuing any.
When deciding on your majors and minors, it is important to carefully consider your academic interests and long-term career aspirations. This will help ensure you choose programmes of study that align with your goals and passions. Additionally, it is crucial to plan ahead and take any necessary prerequisite courses during your first year. This will prepare you to officially declare the major(s) and/or minor(s) you wish to pursue starting in your second or third year. Taking the right foundational courses early on can make the declaration process much smoother.
Is there any research opportunity for UG students?
HKU offers the following UG research opportunities:
* Undergraduate Research Programme – EUREKA – EUREKA – Undergraduate Research Programme (hku.hk)
* Undergraduate Research Fellowshp Programme (URFP) – Undergraduate Research Fellowship Programme (URFP) | HKU Teaching and Learning
UG students can work as full-time research assistants with HKU professors during the summer or part-time research assistants during the semesters.
Am I free to choose any programme listed under the 6999 or 6779 cluster if I am admitted? Are there any quotas for each programme?
Yes, if you are admitted to 6999 or 6779, you are free to choose (i.e., no quota limit applies) any programmes listed under the respective cluster. Students shall make a preliminary choice as an indication of their preferences; and they may freely choose the final programme by the end of their first year.
Will there be admissions interviews?
No. Both JUPAS and non-JUPAS candidates do not need to attend any interviews for our programmes.
What is the major difference between BEng in Computer Science and BEng in Computer Engineering?
BEng in Computer Science emphasises on computer structure and applications as well as all kinds of software and web technologies development. BEng in Computer Engineering emphasises the interface between the software and hardware models. The latter programme contains some courses about electronics.
What are the differences between BEng(CompSc) and BEng(AI&DataSc)?
BEng(CompSc) is a traditional and balanced curriculum that focuses on Computer Science concepts and theories with exciting computing technologies, including cyber security, metaverse, computer vision, quantum computing and information, game theory, etc.; BEng(AI&DataSc) is a multidisciplinary programme emphasising fundamental knowledge and practical skills in AI and data science, and advanced topics on data-driven technologies and applications (e.g., machine learning and artificial intelligence, big data and data analytics, bioinformatics, natural language processing, etc.)
Is the programme accredited?
The BEng(CompSc) programme is accredited by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE). Graduates can meet the academic requirements to be Graduate Members of the HKIE in the Information Discipline. The BEng(AI&DataSC) is a new programme; accreditation has been planned and will be sought as soon as the first cohort graduates.
Is there any internship requirement for students?
Internship is a curriculum requirement for the two BEng programmes. Students will have to take part in a four to twelve weeks internship in the industry to gain valuable working experience and skills in the summer after their third year of studies.
What are the career prospects of graduates of the programmes?
BEng(CompSc) – Our graduates work as IT professionals in different sectors of the society, say banking & finance, the government, education, IT & telecommunication, etc. Computer Science graduates are very employable, not just for IT jobs but for other analytical roles too. The problem solving skills and analytical abilities that our graduates developed during their undergraduate study proved to be very valuable in many areas of endeavour. Many of them are now working in leading international companies and even work abroad with big names, such as Apple and Google. Some graduates started their own business and be an entrepreneur.
BEng(AI&DataSc) – The programme aims to nurture professionals who are equipped with core knowledge and technolgoies in AI and data science. The programme offers graduates new and exciting career choices in this fast-growing area with positions such as AI engineer, data architect or engineer, data scientist, machine learning engineer, etc.
Is there any quota for each BEng programme under 6999? Am I allowed to switch to the other BEng programme later?
No. There is no quota limit for the BEng programme under 6999. Students shall make a preliminary choice as an indication of their preferences; and they may freely choose the final programme by the end of their first year.
How can students apply for the BEng(Computer Science) and BEng(AI & Data Science) programmes?
BEng(Computer Science) and BEng(AI & Data Science) are now offered by CDS. Students shall apply via 6999 Computing and Data Science.
What are the differences between majors in Decision Analytics, Risk Management, and Statistics originally offered under the 6901 BSc programme and the BSc(DA), BSc(RM), and BSc(ST) programmes offered under the code 6779?
The majors in Decision Analytics (DA), Risk Management (RM), and Statistics (ST) originally offered under the 6901 BSc programme are now upgraded to be professional programmes offered under the code 6779, with revamps on course structure and curriculum design. Whilst the BSc(DA), BSc(RM) and BSc(ST) programmes will be more comprehensive in terms of student training in the respective areas, students will receive professional recognition from the Royal Statistical Society (RSS) upon graduation. DA, RM and ST will no longer be offered as First Majors under 6901Bachelor of Science programme.
What are the key features in the 6779 Statistical Decision Sciences?
You are welcome to visit the programme webpage for details.
What would be the career prospects of the Statistical Decision Sciences programme?
Graduates from the Decision Analytics programme will consider a career path as a data scientist, or pursue further studies in statistics or computer science. Their career prospects are not limited to the field of data analytics but also cover strategic planning, policy making and others.
Most of our Risk Management graduates will work in the financial industry with further professional qualifications, and end up in senior management positions after gaining years of experiences in risk analysis and training in investment, banking and financial institutions.
Those with entrepreneurship will also establish their start-up companies for risk consulting, financial services and related areas.
The statistical skills acquired by our Statistics graduates allow them to play a crucial role in many important job positions requiring quantitative mindset and analytical ability. Some of our graduates had worked in government bodies as Statisticians, Research Managers, as well as in the commercial sectors as Statistical Analysts, Marketing Associates, and Associate Officer (Business Intelligence).
Since our Statistics graduates are rigorously trained with knowledge and skills in different statistical areas, many of them also pursued further study, eventually entering the academia with a teaching and research career path.
Is the programme accredited?
The BSc(DA), BSc(RM), BSc(ST) programmes are accredited by the Royal Statistical Society (RSS). Graduates in these programmes are qualified to become a Graduate Statistician (GradStat) designated by RSS.
Is there any internship requirement for students?
No. Instead, internship is an option to fulfill the capstone requirement for graduation.
Is there any quota for each BSc programme under 6779? Am I allowed to switch to the other programme later?
No. There is no quota limit for the BSc programme under 6779. Students shall make a preliminary choice as an indication of their preferences; and they may freely choose the final programme by the end of their first year.
What are the key features in the 6729 BSc(ActuarSc)?
You are welcome to visit the programme webpage for details.
Is the programme accredited?
The BSc(ActuarSc) programme is the only programme in Hong Kong accredited by the UK’s Institute and Faculty of Actuaries. It has also obtained Validation by Educational Experience (VEE) approval and University-Earned Credit (UEC) status from the Society of Actuaries (SOA) in North America. Students will be exempted from various IFoA and SOA examinations – provided they achieve the required marks in certain courses – on their journey towards qualifying as an actuary. For more information, please visit https://saasweb.hku.hk/current/as.php
What industries are currently hiring recent graduates?
Graduates have gone on to work for life, health, property, and casualty insurance companies that rely on the judgment of actuaries to ensure their financial security. Others have found success at actuarial consulting firms, offering their expertise on financial services, risk management, health care financing, pension plans, and asset or liability management.
Other graduates have diversified into reinsurers, auditing firms, investment banks, and management consulting firms including, AIA Group, AXA Asia, HSBC Life, Manulife, Prudential, JP Morgan, Standard Chartered, Ernst & Young, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley, among many others.
Is there any internship requirement for students?
Internship is not a requirement for the BASc(FinTech) programme. Students are encouraged to take part in the internship to enhance their financial and technical knowledge as well as gain hands-on experience in business environment. In past years, there were a number of internship opportunities available to our students.
What are the career prospects of graduates of the programmes?
Graduates of this programme are expected to become FinTech professionals, leaders in the FinTech industry, and researchers in the FinTech discipline. They could take up a wide range of positions in FinTech, IT, finance, and regulatory compliance, or even have their own start-ups. The finance and IT industries have a wide range of jobs for this talent group such as blockchain developer, apps developer, compliance expert, cybersecurity analyst, etc.
What are the key features in the 6224 BASc(AppliedAI)?
You are welcome to visit the programme webpage for details.
What is the salient point of 6224 BASc(AppliedAI) compared with other HKU AI programs such as 6298 Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Engineering in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, 6377 Bachelor of Engineering and Master of Science in Engineering in Artificial Intelligence in Engineering and 6999 Computing and Data Science?
The BASc(AppliedAI) programme emphasises on AI applications in 5 concentrations, namely Technology, Business and Finance, Medicine, Smart City, Neurocognitive Science. Students must fulfill at least one of the five concentrations upon graduation.
Must I declare concentration? Can I declare more than one concentration?
As one of the graduation requirements, students must fulfill at least one of the five concentrations by completing at least 18 credits of courses prescribed specially for each corresponding concentration. Students may declare concentration(s) in their senior years of study (e.g. year 3 or 4), and are recommended to pursue (a) AI Technology, and if applicable, supplemented with a second concentration from (b) to (e). Upon graduation, a certification letter confirming the completion of the chosen concentration(s) will be provided for students.
What industries are currently hiring recent graduates?
The expertise in AI will give graduates a competitive advantage in job markets locally and abroad. Our graduates have the potential to become a vital asset in any organisation in need of intelligent strategies. Graduates have gone on to pursue careers in science and technology, environmental protection, medical informatics, health care, business, banking, finance, urban development, and neurocognitive science, among others.